Corporate Governance

The Corporate Governance standards demonstrate inalienable rights vested with various stakeholders and strong commitment to values, ethics and business conduct. At TeamLease, Corporate Governance is defined as a systematic process by which companies are directed and controlled keeping in mind the long-term interests of all their stakeholders. Achievement of excellence in good Corporate Governance practices requires continuous efforts and focus on its resources, strengths and strategies towards ensuring fairness and transparency in all its dealings with its stakeholders including society at large. Corporate Governance has indeed assumed greater significance as the world has moved towards closer integration and free trade.

Corporate Governance is an effective tool to bring integrity and transparency in terms of reporting so as to protect the interest of all the stakeholders of the company. Keeping this in mind, the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 has laid down provisions so as to ensure that the effective Corporate Governance is implemented by the Corporates. Beyond the legal compliance TeamLease is committed to bring in effective Corporate Governance so as to ensure a strong relationship with the stakeholders by providing the truthful internal information on how the company is being run or managed. The Management/Board of Directors is considerate to adopt the system of effective communication on the disclosures that are essential for the stakeholders through proper channels with utmost integrity and transparency. The company has adopted the philosophy of corporate governance not only to satisfy the spirit of law, but also in the spirit of the letter of law.

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